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Back Pain

A Lordosis-Free Back with Ayurvedic Care

Blog timeNov 27, 2023

Lordosis is a condition characterized by an excessive inward curvature of the spine in the lower back, causing the buttocks to protrude and the spine to arch more than usual. It is also known as swayback or hyperlordosis. It’s essential to understand the symptoms, causes, and available treatments to manage and potentially reverse this condition. Note. The Cervical and Lumbar spine in lordosis is normal. 30- 40-degree curve is normal in the cervical spine and a 40- 60-degree in the lumbar spine is typical.

normal vs. lordosis spine

Symptoms of Lordosis:

  • Exaggerated inward curve in the lower back.
  • Lower back pain and discomfort.
  • Difficulty standing upright.
  • Muscle stiffness in the lower back.
  • Changes in gait and posture.

Causes of Lordosis

It can be caused by various aspects, such as:

  • Poor posture: 

Maintaining poor posture for an extended period can lead to lordosis.

  • Obesity:

Excess weight can strain the lower back, contributing to the condition.

  • Pregnancy:

The weight gain during pregnancy can lead to temporary lordosis.

  • Muscular imbalances:

Weak abdominal and gluteal muscles can exacerbate lordosis.

  • Spinal conditions:

Conditions like spondylolisthesis or achondroplasia can cause lordosis.

Lordosis VS Scoliosis – Kyphosis

These 3 are the conditions that can affect the curve of the spine. They are separated by their characteristics affecting the different parts in different directions of the spine to curve. 

It is an increased curve toward the front, that’s a common part of your cervical and lumbar spine.

Scoliosis is most common in kids and teens. It causes your spine to curve and rotate to the sideway.

Kyphosis makes people have hunched shoulders, causing your thoracic spine (the part of the upper back between your neck and the bottom of your ribs) to curve backward, apart from the front of the body more than it commonly should.

types of lordosis

To whom can lordosis affect?

It can affect people of any age group such as:

  • Adults above the age of 50.
  • Kids who go through growth spurts.
  • Pregnant woman.

Treatment Options for Lordosis

  • Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy plays a significant role in lordosis treatment. A physical therapist can develop a personalized exercise regimen to strengthen weak muscles and improve posture. Common exercises include pelvic tilts, core strengthening, and stretches.

  • Pain Management:

Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage the discomfort associated with this. In more severe cases, a healthcare expert can prescribe stronger pain relief medications.

  • Posture Correction:

Improving posture is crucial in treating lordosis. Individuals can benefit from ergonomic chairs, lumbar support cushions, and regular breaks from sitting to maintain proper posture.

doctor correcting the posture by stretches
  • Weight Management:

For individuals with lordosis due to obesity, weight management is vital. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help reduce excess weight and alleviate strain on the lower back.

  • Braces and Supportive Devices:

In some cases, braces, and supportive devices like orthotics may be recommended to help correct posture and reduce lordosis.

  • Surgery:

(In Severe Cases)Surgical intervention is typically reserved for severe cases of lordosis that do not respond to conservative treatments. Procedures may involve spinal fusion or decompression surgeries.

  • Yoga and Pilates:

Yoga and Pilates can be effective in improving flexibility, core strength, and posture. These practices can help reduce the symptoms of lordosis

  • Massage Therapy:

Massage therapy can provide relief by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. It can be a complementary approach to lordosis treatment.


Surgical Treatment for Lordosis

In rare cases when conservative treatments are ineffective and it is causing severe pain, disability, or neurological symptoms, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Surgical Procedures

There are different surgical procedures to correct lordosis, depending on the specific issues:

Spinal fusion: Fusing vertebrae to stabilize the spine.

Diskectomy: Removing a portion of an intervertebral disk to relieve pressure.

Osteotomy: Cutting and realigning the spine to correct the curvature.

Prevention of Lordosis

  • Maintaining good posture.
  • Regular exercise to strengthen back and core muscles.
  • Ergonomic workplace setup.
  • Weight management and a healthy lifestyle.

How Ayurveda Approaches To Treat Lordosis

In Ayurveda, lordosis is seen as a manifestation of imbalances within the body’s doshas, particularly Vata dosha. Vata dosha governs movement and is closely associated with the nervous system. When Vata becomes imbalanced, it can lead to issues like poor posture, muscle weakness, and an exaggerated lumbar curve, contributing to it.

Ayurvedic diagnosis of this involves assessing an individual’s Prakriti (natural constitution) and Vikriti (current state of imbalance). By identifying the dosha imbalances, Note. An Ayurvedic practitioner can create a personalized treatment plan to address the specific causes of it in each patient.

Ayurvedic Lordosis Treatments:

  • Triphala:

A blend of three fruits (amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki) can help balance Vata dosha and improve digestion, which is essential for overall health and spinal alignment.

  • Ashwagandha:

This adaptogenic herb helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can indirectly affect posture and spine health.

  • Guggul:

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, guggul can be beneficial in managing pain associated with lordosis.

  • Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage):

Regular abhyanga, or self-massage with warm herbal oils, can relax muscles, reduce stiffness, and improve circulation. It promotes relaxation and aids in restoring proper spinal alignment.

abhyanga for lordosis
  • Yoga and Pranayama:

Specific yoga postures, such as the Cat-Cow pose, Cobra pose, and Child’s pose, can help strengthen the core, improve posture, and stretch the spine. Pranayama, or controlled breathing techniques, can calm the mind and alleviate stress, which indirectly benefits spinal health.

  • Panchakarma Therapy:

Panchakarma is a therapy for detoxification and rejuvenation in Ayurveda. It can help eliminate toxins from the body, balance doshas, and restore overall health, including spinal alignment.

panchakarma for lordosis
  • Dietary Modifications:

Following an Ayurvedic diet that suits your dosha type can help maintain a balanced system, leading to better spinal health. Avoiding processed foods and consuming warm, nourishing meals can be particularly beneficial.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments:

Ayurveda emphasizes maintaining a daily routine (dinacharya) and seasonal routines (ritucharya) that are in harmony with nature. This can help prevent imbalances and promote spinal health.

  • Herbal Compress Therapy:

Applying hot herbal compresses to the affected area can alleviate muscle tension and discomfort associated with lordosis.


Lordosis can be a painful condition, but with the right treatment and lifestyle changes, it is manageable. It’s important to consult a healthcare expert for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. Whether through physical therapy, lifestyle adjustments, or, in severe cases, surgery, the goal is to improve posture, relieve pain, and enhance the quality of life for those affected by it.

It’s also important to note that Ayurvedic treatment for lordosis should be individualized and supervised by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. The severity and underlying causes of this can vary, making personalized treatment essential for optimal results. Always consult with a trained Ayurvedic expert before starting any Ayurvedic regimen.


  • How can I recognize the symptoms of lordosis?

Symptoms include an exaggerated spinal curve, back pain, muscle fatigue, limited range of motion, balance issues, and, in severe cases, radiating pain or numbness in the extremities.

  • Where can I find support and information on lordosis?

Consult with a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment options. Online resources, support groups, and patient communities can also provide valuable information and emotional support.

  • Can lordosis lead to other health issues?

If left untreated, lordosis may contribute to other health problems such as chronic back pain, increased risk of injury, and nerve compression issues. It’s essential to address lordosis to prevent these complications. 

  • Is surgery ever necessary for lordosis?

Surgery is typically considered in severe cases where lordosis is caused by structural abnormalities or underlying medical conditions. Your healthcare provider will discuss this option if needed.

  • Can I continue with regular activities and exercise if I have lordosis?

You can generally continue with daily activities and exercise, but it’s crucial to maintain proper form and avoid activities that exacerbate your symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

  • Is lordosis a lifelong condition?

It can be managed effectively with the right treatment and lifestyle adjustments. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a lifelong issue if addressed properly.

  • How can Ayurveda help treat lordosis?

Ayurveda offers holistic treatment approaches that focus on balancing the body’s energies. This can involve dietary changes, yoga and exercise, herbal remedies, oil massages, detoxification therapies, and lifestyle modifications.

  • Can Ayurveda completely cure lordosis?

The effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment for lordosis depends on various factors, including the severity of the condition and the individual’s commitment to the treatment plan. While Ayurveda can alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life, a complete cure may not always be possible, especially in advanced cases.

  • Is Ayurvedic treatment safe for everyone with lordosis?

Ayurvedic treatment is generally safe, but it should be tailored to an individual’s specific needs and constitution. It’s essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure that the treatment is appropriate for you.

  • How long does Ayurvedic treatment for lordosis usually take to show results?

The duration of Ayurvedic treatment can vary based on the individual and the severity of their lordosis. Some people may experience relief within a few weeks, while others may require several months of treatment for noticeable improvement. Patience and consistent adherence to the treatment plan are key.

  • Can lordosis be managed with Ayurvedic or alternative medicine approaches?

Some individuals explore alternative therapies like Ayurveda, chiropractic care, or acupuncture to manage it. While these approaches may provide relief for some, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

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Dakshata Pawar