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Blood Pressure

Ayurveda for High Blood Pressure: Genuine Ways of Curing BP

Blog timeAug 30, 2024

High blood Pressure requires immediate and consistent treatment, and many patients are shifting towards Ayurveda as a solution.


Hypertension also Known as High blood pressure is the main reason responsible for cardiovascular diseases. Approximately 1.12 billion people have hypertension all over the globe. 3 out of every 4 men and 4 out of every 5 women suffer from hypertension which results in Hypertension and is main risk factor for increasing heart, kidney, brain and other diseases.

Hypertension requires immediate and consistent treatment, although there are many medicines that help in managing hypertension, there is a shift of treatment preferences among the patients, many are looking hypertension treatment in Ayurveda now.

Understanding high blood pressure

High Blood pressure

What is high BP?

High blood pressure is a condition in which the arteries of the body are affected. This condition is also known as hypertension. A person who has Hypertension, means the force of the blood in the body is hitting the artery walls with a lot of force, making it hard for the heart to pump the blood and supply it throughout the body.

Ranges that decide healthy and unhealthy blood pressure

Measuring and controlling your BP is important for maintaining a well-balanced body and life. There are two categories that measure the BP i.e SYSTOLIC and DIASTOLIC blood pressure. Systolic is an upper number and Diastolic is a lower number.

Classification of BP

Blood pressure category      Systolic mm Hg    Diastolic mm hg
          Normal Less than 120Less than 80
          Elevated 120- 129Less than 80
High blood pressure
Hypertension stage 1
  Hypertension stage 2 140 or higher90 or higher
  Hypertensive crisis Higher than 180Higher than 120

Note: This is just universal data, numbers can vary from person to person, and only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis of a High BP.

Causes and Symptoms


High blood pressure is intact a silent disease and can happen without signaling any abnormal symptoms. Some of the high blood pressure symptoms are:

  • Moderate to severe headaches
  • Nosebleeds
  • Palpitations
  • Anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pulsation in neck region

These are general symptoms, and it doesn’t mean that if you are experiencing these symptoms, you have high BP, as these can be symptoms of other diseases also. Consulting a physician is important.


High blood pressure occurs when there are certain changes in the body over time, or maybe a person is born with some genetic features that give rise to hypertension as one ages. Some causes of blood pressure are:

  • Lack of movement or regular excercise
  • Consuming food that has high fat content
  • Consumption of large amount of salt compared to normal
  • Excessive drinking and smoking
  • Stress
  • Deficiency of Potassium

Diagnosis and treatment of Hypertension

The diagnosis of Hypertension involves the checkup using a BP monitor, which involves a cuff that will be wrapped above your elbow and the cuff is inflated using a pump to get the current reading of the hypertension.

Both of your arms can be cuffed to get the accuracy and difference between the two readings. The unit described for the reading is mm Hg or millimeters of mercury.

Note: Look for the table above for readings and counts.


There are several medications and pills to manage hypertension, but the best way to control is to adapt to new ways of lifestyle practices such as:

  • Consumption of a heart- friendly, salt-free diet
  • Regular exercises involving both strength and cardiovascular workouts
  • Weight management
  • Cutting down alcohol intake and smoking
  • Improving sleep cycle and getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep.

Sometimes modifying one’s lifestyle doesn’t cure or manage BP; in such cases one should involve medications with proper lifestyle to get desired results.

Bp and its management varies from age to age. A 30-year-old may need different drugs and medical attention than a 65-year-old, so it gets crucial to understand ones condition and the desired Blood pressure count.

Home remedies for controlling high blood pressure without medication

home remedies for High bp

Here are some home remedies or DIY’s that an individual can do at home which is effective in managing Blood Pressure without medication, but in some cases the disease becomes chronic, and, in such cases, medications and proper treatment is required.

Reduction of salt intake

Anyone who is diagnosed with high Blood pressure should cut down salt intake from their diet. In today’s fast-moving life, most people are dependent on consumption of fast available foods, which contain high amount of Sodium. People now a days consume 3500mg of sodium which is way too high than the recommended 1500mg-2300mg.

Sodium balance is difficult but achievable, it takes almost 10-14 days to adjust on a low sodium diet.

Following the DASH Diet for high Blood pressure

DASH stands for Diet approach to stop Hypertension, it involves a diet that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, combined with a low sodium diet plan. People following the dash diet, get low on sodium and high on potassium, resulting in loss of weight.

Regular exercise

Exercise and movement plays a major factor in managing and controlling high Blood Pressure, regular exercise, makes the heart pump more blood improving the overall cardiovascular health, one should involve cardio exercises and strength training and aerobic activity to get optimum results. Exercise improves the blood flow and helps in creating new blood vessels that reduces Blood pressure.

Food and drinks to involve in diet to reduce high blood pressure

Foods like Moong dal, fish oil, coconut water, honey, Watermelon etc. are rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin-c , these nutrients reduces the BP, by controlling the sodium intake.

 Ayurveda treatment for high blood pressure

aurveda for high blood pressure

Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards treatment as it considers the whole body as a single entity. An ancient form of treatment, and in today’s modern and fast world, modernization has improved the life of humans, but we have also paid for it by becoming prey to many lifestyle diseases.

Hypertension treatment in Ayurveda involves treating the doshas of the body. Ayurveda doesn’t consider hypertension as a disease or Vyadhi. But as a condition evolved by the theory of Tridoshas.

Role of Tridoshas

  • Vatta dosha: Vatta governs the movement in the body, and when it is aggravated, it can cause increased movement or erratic functioning of blood flow, creating instability in Blood pressure.
  • Pitta Dosha:   Pitta controls metabolism and heat, including the transformation and digestion processes in the body. When its aggravated, it can lead to an increase in heat and intensity, resulting in inflammation and irritation of blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure.
  • Kapha dosha: Kapha is responsible for stability and lubrication in the body. When it’s imbalance leads to sluggishness and accumulation, contributing to weight gain, fluid retention, and congestion. This can increase the workload on the heart and blood vessels, leading to higher blood pressure.

Also Read: Ayurveda for healthy blood pressure

Ayurvedic medicinal herbs for treating high blood pressure

There are some herbs that act as an ayurvedic medicine for high BP, and they are mentioned in ayurveda which can help in treating High BP, these herbs contain natural properties that, reduces stress, anxiety, enhances relaxation and improves Blood circulation, some of these herbs are:


Stress plays a major role in increase of Blood pressure, and Ashwagandha is a herb known for reducing stress levels and increasing blood flow. This herb is rich in adaptogen, that reduces stress and anxiety. Consumption of one tablespoon of Ashwagandha early in the morning can be helpful in controlling Stress and BP.


Triphala has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the body which helps in maintaining the BP levels, controlling cholesterol, and helps in removing the plaque in the blood vessels.


Tulsi, scientifically known as Basil, is a herb which is quite famous for its medicinal qualities, rich with bio active compounds and having anti-oxidant properties, this herbal plant helps in lowering the blood pressure.


Jeera or cumin seeds is a popular in ayurvedic medicinal herbs, it contains compounds such as thymol and cuminaldehyde which have hypotensive properties, that helps in lowering high BP.


Arjuna is a powerful ayurvedic medicine for high BP, it is packed with amazing hypertensive compounds that relaxes stiff blood vessels, improving overall Blood pressure.

Ayurvedic therapies for high blood pressure treatment

There are some Ayurvedic therapies that help in managing and controlling Blood pressure and managing hypertension. Some of the Ayurvedic therapies for managing blood pressure are:

Panchakarma treatment

In Ayurveda Panchakarma therapy is performed for the detoxification of the body, it includes 5 therapies; Vamana, Virechana , Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana. Performing these 5 therapies reduces stress and inflammation in the body, reducing High BP.


It is one of the five therapies of Panchakarma treatment, which focuses on improving Pitta dosha, that is one of the three doshas responsible for increased blood pressure, Virechana reduces Inflammation, that decreases stress and anxiety, and improves blood pressure


Shirodhara is a therapy which involves continuous flow of a thin stream of medicated oil over the patient’s head, Shirodhara helps in stress management, which is a main factor responsible for hypertension.


This therapy involves massage of the full body by a warm medicated oil and it helps in blood circulation, managing stress, and relaxing the body, which are important for controlling Hypertension.

Final thoughts

Understanding and managing blood pressure is crucial for overall health and well-being. From recognizing the symptoms and causes to exploring both conventional and alternative treatments, including home remedies and Ayurvedic approaches, it’s clear that a multifaceted strategy is often most effective. Incorporating lifestyle changes, seeking professional medical advice, and considering Ayurvedic herbs and therapies can help maintain optimal blood pressure levels. By combining these methods, you can support heart health and enhance your quality of life. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or remedy.

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Ravindra Singh