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Back Pain in Pregnancy, Ayurvedic Wisdom for Women Who are Expecting.

Blog timeNov 7, 2023

Back pain in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a phenomenal and transformative period in a woman’s life. It is often said that a woman’s second life is started after getting pregnant. Pregnancy, it does not only change the woman, but everything that support the growth and development of the fetus. A pregnant woman body undergoes various types of changes such as :

Psychological Shifts :

  • Hormonal Shifts: They experience extreme mood swings due to an increase in estrogen and progesterone.
  • Body Growth: Expansion of the uterus for the growing fetus and enlarging breasts for milk production.
  • Weight Gain: It’s normal to gain weight for a woman during pregnancy to growing baby,and increased blood flow.

 Emotional Shifts:

  • Joy and hope : 

Most women feel joy and excitement about the impending arrival of their child. Ultrasound scans and fetal movements in the womb create an emotional connection. This is why women in this period have the highest tendency for emotional breakdowns too.

  • Anxiety and Concerns:

Pregnancy can bring worries about health, labor, unusual movements of the baby, swelling, abdominal pain, parenting, etc. Hormonal changes can lead to excessive overthinking and mood swings.

  • Bonding:

The affectionate bond deepens throughout pregnancy due to the rise of the feeling of motherhood. The development of a life inside a woman’s body is a unique and intense experience.

It’s most common for 40 to 80 % of women to have back pain during pregnancy. 

It can be mild to intense range associated with different activities to be chronic. 

The usual pain due to pregnancy can also increase by continuing daily chores and routines. The pain in the lower back is in the fifth and seventh month of pregnancy. In some of the rare cases it starts right after 12 weeks. 

Symptoms of back pain in pregnancy

Lumbar pain

this occurs between the waist and mid-center of the back also it spreads out into the woman’s leg and foot. 

Posterior pelvic pain

This occurs near the pelvis, below the spine of the sacroiliac joint, it is way more prevalent than lumbar pain

The pain is too deep and occurs on either side of the tailbone, ligament pain, pelvic girdle pain,are some examples of Back pain during Pregnancy


 it is a type of pain that emerges in the nerve near the buttocks and ends in the foot. It occurs when a herniated disk or an overgrown bone puts pressure on part of the nerve. 

Diagnoses for back pain in pregnancy

Diagnosis during pregnancy can be based on the woman’s medical history. No use of X-ray or CT scan due to radiation in the procedure. 

Otherwise, it includes physical examination, ultrasound, blood and urine tests, imaging studies, monitoring contractions, pelvic examination, and cervical length measurement. 

Back pain ( miscarriage) Sometimes severe back pain can cause bleeding and cramps that can lead to a miscarriage. It’s a sign if the pain starts from the lower abdomen and moves to the lower back. 

Labor pain; it is very important to distinguish labor pain. The only way to identify is that it is similar to intense menstrual cramps.

You can recognize the persistent pain, increase in intensity and frequency over a small period, bloody discharge, or watery fluid. 

What does Ayurveda say about back pain in pregnancy?

Women are the foundation of society because of their ability to prod and care for children.

A woman appeared as Dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), Lakshmi (auspiciousness), and loka (the entire universe).

It is holistic in Ayurveda to approach motherhood, that is pregnancy and childbirth. 

  • During pregnancy, women should consume liquid or semi-liquid, such as Rice, milk, Amalaki fruit, foods that are rich in fiber
  • Ayurveda believes to relieve the back pain during pregnancy, through Massage. External use of herbal oils can alleviate the pain. 
  • Regular exercise, Yoga and Dhanwantharam oil, a warm medicated herbal oil, can used to bring down the discomfort for women.

It is common for women to go through gastric problems, and it can be controlled by herbal medicine, Mahadhanwantaram Gulika. Excessive or continuous gastric issues can trigger stress on the back and pelvic region. 

Ayurveda also recommends taking Dhanwantaram 101 and Dhanwantaramkashayam post-delivery to prevent back pain and to strengthen back again. It is recommended to take these medicines under the guidance of a doctor. 

Massage in pregnancy


There are various Ayurvedic oils for massage, these oil massages are useful. But doctor guidance is must. It’s always to use nonallergic oil, as few oils are suitable or not safe to use in pregnancy. 

There are possibilities of these 9 diseases during pregnancy in women that are:

nausea, anorexia, vomiting, dryness of mouth, fever, edema, anemia, diarrhea, and retention of urine. 

Ayurveda suggests avoiding medication for first 3 months, except for symptomatic treatment with mild herbs and a suitable diet.

Hima (cold infusion) of Yastimadhu, lotus and Sariva in painting fever and Guduchi kwath in kapha fever. To bring down the temperature, so that it does not result in complication for the mother and the fetus. 

Other than that, You can use Vacha (calamus root), kumari (aloe), or myrrh, and substances like garlic and hing for special treatments.

Herbs which are urinary antiseptics such as punarnava, gokshuru, and sariva should be considered. To calm the itchiness due to the stretching juice the infusion of jujube berries or butter medicated with manjistha is helpful. 

Ayurvedic approach should be integrated into a comprehensive healthcare plan that includes regular prenatal check-ups and consultations with healthcare providers to ensure the safety and well-being of both you and your baby.


Back pain during pregnancy is a multifaceted issue influenced by both physical and emotional changes. As the body undergoes significant transformations, symptoms like lumbar pain and posterior pelvic pain often arise, necessitating careful diagnosis and management. Emotional shifts and psychological stressors further complicate the experience, underscoring the importance of a holistic approach to treatment.

Transitioning from conventional to alternative remedies, Ayurvedic treatments such as Abhyanga offer valuable relief, promoting balance and well-being. By integrating these practices, pregnant individuals can alleviate discomfort and foster a more harmonious pregnancy journey. Ultimately, addressing back pain through a comprehensive approach enhances overall quality of life during this transformative period.

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Dakshata Pawar