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Back Pain

Promising Long-Term Back pain Treatment, You Need to Know

Blog timeAug 17, 2024

Diagnosing and treating back pain gets tricky especially if the pain is chronic. Therefore it gets important to find the right, Long-term, promising Back pain treatment.

Back Pain is a common problem, almost 8 out of 10 individuals, experience back pain at some point in their lives, most of them suffering from acute back pain lasting for a duration of 3 days to few weeks. For instance, if pain lasts for more than 3 months, then it becomes chronic, requiring more intensive Back Pain Treatment.

The pain can be sharp shooting, or it can be like a burning sensation. In most of the cases back pain is related to the Spine.

Spine has a major importance in our body, from supporting the structure of the body, to protecting the spinal cord. It also regulates the flexibility of the Back.

Regular wear and tear, an injury or bad posture can cause strains in the spine, causing effect on all of the functions and giving rise to discomfort and pain, necessitating appropriate Back pain treatment.

Fortunately, Back pain is managebale, and can be cured through, treatment for back pain in Ayurveda, medications, Diet and Life style modifications, as a part of holistic back pain treatment plans.

Types of Back pain

  • Acute back pain: Most of the individuals, experience acute back pain in their lives, it is first experienced in the age bracket of 20-40. Acute back pain is short term. Pain lasting for 3 days to few weeks. It can be moderate to severe and delebrating, causing both mental and physical toll on the body. Acute back pain requires little intervention as it is self limiting in many cases often resolving without extensive back pain treatment.
  • Chronic back pain: Back pain can be felt anywhere from neck to lower spine. It can be caused due to injury, muscle strain, or spinal deformity. Pain that lasts more than 3 months is considered chronic. Chronic back pain is considered serious and requires serious Back pain treatment.

Back pain treatment

Most of the acute back pain is resolved within few weeks of rest and medication, however, back pain is complex problem and it can reappear, even after treatment, or it can become chronic.Therefore an effective Back pain treatment is needed for Long term relief.

Back pain treatment includes:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Anti depressants
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Topical pain relievers.
  • Ayurvedic treatment for back pain

These are short term medications and can provide instant relief. but if you are suffering from chronic pain than you need more than anti depressants and physical therapy as a back pain treatment.

Best treatment for chronic Back pain

back pain treatment

Non-surgical ways of treating Back pain

  • Cannabidiol (CBD): A pain relieving treatment, CBD is an emerging alternative. It is derived form Cannabies plant for treating back pain. it improves sleep and relaxation by combating stress linked with back pain, it also reduces inflammation. hence becoming a viable option for a Non Surgical back pain treatment.
  • Anti- Inflammatory Diet: Patients suffering from chronic back pain, should choose their diet with precaution. As back pain creates Inflammation in the body, so one should consume anti inflammatory diet is crucial for effective back pain treatment. Refined sugar, processed foods and trans fats can create inflammation in the body, eating these kind of food for long time trigger chronic back pain. Anti Inflammatory foods such as, Fruits, vegetables, Dairy products, Salmon, nuts, Whole grains, etc. is suitable in reducing chronic back pain.
  • Physical exercise and Yoga: Regular exercise and yoga for back pain treatment is very effective as it stretches and strengthens the back muscle, Physotherapists focuses on the, Movement, core strenghening, and posture for back alignment and to decrease back strain, which is central for an invasive Back pain treatment stratergy.
  • Proper footwear: Good footwear supports spine health. Our heels bear the whole weight of our body. improper footwear, and bad soles make the body bend in the wrong way and it can effect our spine health, Cushioning and Arc support can bring better alignment to the back and legs and help in pain management.
  • Accupuncture: Accupuncture is a chinese traditonal therapy for curing chronic pain and diseases. Accupuncture is not a surgery procedure, but it involves tinkling feeling of piercing needles.Accupunture can be an essential part of a holistic back pain treatment regimen.

Surgical treatments for chronic Back pain

Some cases which are more serious, non-surgical methods does not help. So in cases like this Patient has to undergo Surgery to get relief, Spine surgery is a safe and effective for back pain treatment. But requires longer rest and downtime period. Some of the surgical methods for relief in back pain are:

  • Microdiscectomy : Microdiscectomy is a procedure that is performed on a herniated spinal disc. Spinal nerve root cause allevated by removing the material thats causing the pressure resulting in back pain. Microdiscectomy is the most effective and effective surgery for Back pain treatment, the surgery involves removing the herniated portion that is causing nerve compression.
  • Lumbar Laminectomy : Laminectomy is mostly performed in the lower spine. It is one of the most common Spine Surgery which involves removal of a small portion of bone from the lower spine known as lamina.

Lumbar laminectomy releases the pressure on the strained nerve, leading to reduction in pain, ease in mobility, and improved quality of life.

  • Spinal fusion : This surgery involves attachment or fusion of two or more vertebrae of the spine, the purpose of this surgery is to remove the movement happening between two vertebrae by fusioning them, a bone like material or natural bone is placed in the gap between the two vertebrae.
  • Artificial disc replacement: Artificial disk replacement is used to to treat chronic back pain that causes degenerative disc disease. Patients are needed 3-4 months of rest after the disk replacement which is a significant ootion for back pain treatment especially for those facing severe conditions.

Ayurvedic treatment for Back pain

Ayurveda defines the three doshas in the body i.e Vata, Pitta and Dosha. vata consists of Improper diet regimen creating weakness in bone and muscles. improper Digestion of food in the body causes the production of metabolic waste called “Ama”. it gets collected in the body and creates health problems. Ama collected over long period of time becomes “Amavisha”. a highly toxic form of Ama, creating pitta and kapha doshas in body and resulting in joint pain and inflammation. Some therapies that are used to treat back pain are:

1. Abhyangam

Abhayngam is an ancient ayurvedic treatment for back pain that involves massage with medicated herbal oils over the affected area of the back pain. This massage soothes the affected area, relaxes the muscles, and reduces inflammation. this therapy has its effects on the over all body and it has both mental and physical benefits.


2. Marma Therapy

Marma therapy is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain, which involves massaging of the marma points of the body. As per Ayurveda, there are 107 marma points in the body. In marma therapy a therapist presses the marma points on the back, the points releases the strain and pressure in the back, creatiing a state of relaxment.

marma therapy

3. Kati Vasti

Kati vasti is an Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain , vasti stands retaining. In this ancient ayurvedic treatment, a small area is circumferenced by dough, on the lower back basically the Lumbar region, and a warm medicated oil is poured over it, the process involves the warm oil to be in contionous touch of the affected area, providing relief as parts of a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for back pain.

Kati vasti

4. Nadiswedna

Nadiswedna involves steaming, and sweating. it for the treatment of the the joints and muscles. this treatment for back pain in ayurveda involves the opening of the pores and giving relief to the joints. it helps in the blood supply aand relaxation of the muscles.


Also read: Ayurvedic upper back pain therapy, to avoid surgery

How we treat back pain

At, Pravaayu Ayurveda Clinic Our Ayurvedic treatment for back pain encompass a range of approaches, including:

  1. Kati Vasti Treatment: This specialized therapy involves retaining warm medicated oil over the lower back area to alleviate pain and promote healing.
  2. Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma detoxification procedures help eliminate toxins from the body and reduce inflammation, offering relief from back pain.
  3. Herbal Remedies: Specific herbs renowned for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties are used to create customized formulations tailored to your needs.
  4. Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications: Guidance is provided on dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments to support back health and overall well-being.
  5. External Therapies: Topical applications and therapies such as massage help alleviate pain and improve flexibility in the back muscles.

Final thoughts

Back pain is a prevalent condition that can significantly impact daily life, ranging from acute episodes to chronic discomfort. Understanding the nature of back pain is crucial in determining the most effective Back pain treatment approach. Acute back pain often resolves with minimal intervention, but chronic back pain requires a more comprehensive strategy.

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Ravindra Singh