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The Truth About PCOD Treatment: Every Woman Needs to Know

Blog timeAug 23, 2024

Polycystic Ovarian disease: PCOD is among the reasons in dropping of the fertility rate, more than 10% women are affected by it worldwide, one in five women experience PCOD problem before or after the marriage. The discussion around the condition is more often clouded by Fear, misconceptions, confusion and lack of knowledge. But there is no need to get worried if you are diagnosed by it, as PCOD problem treatment is possible and is easy than you think.

What is PCOD?

PCOD, or Polycystic Ovarian Disease, is a hormonal imbalance in female body. Generally, there are two sex hormones in the female body: Estrogen (a female hormone) and a small amount of Testosterone and androgens (male hormones), both produced by the ovaries.

Symptoms of PCOD

Some women face PCOD problems from their first period, while others may experience it due to weight gain or obesity, leading to trouble getting pregnant. Common symptoms of PCOD in females include:

  • Irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation cycle
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Excessive hair growth on the face, body, belly area, back, and chest
  • Acne on the face, chest, and upper back
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Hair loss or thinning
  • Darkening of the skin

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to seek PCOD problem treatment. Women with PCOD may experience irregular periods, missing their periods for two or more months, or having longer-than-normal monthly cycles. Many women with PCOD also face mental health issues, including severe depression.

Untreated PCOD can lead to various health problems and complications, such as insulin deficiency, diabetes, obesity, and increased cholesterol levels, which can cause additional health issues.

What is PCOS? and how its different from PCOD

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a metabolic disorder in which women suffer from hormonal imbalances during their reproductive years, typically between 15 and 51 years old. Women with PCOS may skip their menstrual cycle due to an overproduction of male hormones and irregular ovulation periods, making pregnancy difficult. Like PCOD, women with PCOS experience abnormal hair growth and acne, among other hormonal issues. PCOS is a serious condition requiring medical treatment and, in some cases, surgery.

In PCOD, the ovaries start producing immature eggs, which form cysts around the ovaries. PCOS, on the other hand, is a metabolic disorder issue.

PCOD is common, affecting around 10% of women worldwide, while PCOS is less common, affecting 0.2% to 2.5% of women. PCOS significantly impacts fertility, making it hard for women to get pregnant and increasing the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, or pregnancy complications. However, women with PCOD generally do not face difficulty in getting pregnant, as PCOD problem treatment can help manage the condition effectively.

Causes of PCOS

The exact cause of getting PCOS is still unclear, but there are some factors that might be considered in its development:

  •  Genetics: Genetics might be a factor in development of PCOS, if your mother or sister is diagonized by PCOS then there is a chance that you might get it.
  • Insulin Resistance: Women with PCOS, might develop insulin resistance in their bodies. Where cells do not respond to insulin.  This causes higher level of insulin in the blood which generate more Androgens.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: An imbalance in the levels of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and androgens can disrupt the normal functioning of the ovaries.
  • Inflammation: Chronic low-grade inflammation is often observed in women with PCOS, which can stimulate the ovaries to produce more androgens

Lifestyle modifications for PCOD

PCOD might be a challenging condition, but making certain lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on managing the symptoms and improving overall health. Here are some key lifestyle modifications that can help:

  • Healthy Diet: A balanced diet which is rich in whole grains, vegetables, Fruits, healthy fats and lean protein is essential. Reducing the intake of complex carbohydrates, highly processed and cane foods, helps in reducing the insulin resistance.
  • Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential in managing regular periods, combining both cardio and strength training is helpful in regulating PCOD symptoms.
  • Stress Management: Stress is a major cause of all the acute and chronic diseases, also in the case of PCOD, high stress levels release cortisol, that imbalances the hormones of the body. One must practice  yoga, meditation, and exercises to manage stress levels.  

Home remedies for PCOD

In addition to lifestyle changes, there are certain home remedies which can also be helpful in managing the PCOD symptoms. These remedies are easy to implement, natural and is being used for centuries.

  •  Cinnamon: It is believed that Cinnamon helps in regulating insulin sensitivity and regulate menstrual cycles. Adding cinnamon in your food or tea is beneficial for managing PCOD symptoms.
  •  Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can be a helpful addition in your diet. As it can help in regulating blood sugar levels. Consuming a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar, mixed in water before meals is beneficial in managing PCOD
  • Fenugreek: Soaked fenugreek seeds and its consumption is helpful in managing hormone levels and insulin sensitivity. Drinking the water in which the seeds were soaked gives additional help in treating PCOD.
  •  Spearmint Tea: Spearmint tea is helpful in managing androgen levels, which is a male hormone and is responsible for acne and sudden hair growth on the female  body suffering from PCOD.

PCOD and its treatment

When it comes to treating PCOD, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The treatment plan is often personalized based on the severity of the condition and the specific symptoms experienced by the individual. However, some common treatments include:

  • Medications: Birth control pills are often prescribed to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce androgen levels. Metformin is another medication used to improve insulin sensitivity and manage blood sugar levels.
  • Fertility Treatment: For women struggling with infertility due to PCOD, fertility treatments like Clomiphene or Letrozole may be recommended to stimulate ovulation.
  • Surgical Options: In rare cases, surgical procedures like ovarian drilling may be suggested to improve fertility.

Ayurvedic treatments for PCOD

Ayurveda is an ancient method of treatment that invloves uses of herbs and ayurvedic therapies. Ayurveda for PCOD problem treatment, focuses on balancing the doshas (body energies) and involves the use of natural herbs, diet modifications, and lifestyle changes.

  • Herbal Remedies: Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Turmeric are often used in Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD to balance hormones, reduce stress, and improve reproductive health.
  • Dietary Changes: An Ayurvedic diet emphasizes the consumption of whole foods, fresh fruits, and vegetables, and avoiding processed and junk foods. Eating according to your dosha type can help in managing PCOD symptoms.
  • Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma is a detoxification process in Ayurveda that aims to cleanse the body of toxins and restore balance. It involves therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage), Virechana (purgation), and Basti (enema), which can be beneficial for women with PCOD.

Panchakarma therapy for PCOD

Panchakarma therapy is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic treatment and is highly effective in PCOD problem treatment. This therapy is designed to detoxify the body, balance the doshas, and rejuvenate the reproductive system. Here’s how Panchakarma can helps in PCOD problem treatment:

  • Abhyanga (Oil Massage): A full-body massage using herbal oils that helps in improving circulation, reducing stress, and balancing hormones.
  • Virechana (Purgation Therapy): This therapy involves the use of herbal laxatives to cleanse the intestines, which is believed to eliminate excess Pitta (heat) from the body and balance hormones.
  • Basti (Enema Therapy): Basti is a therapeutic enema that uses herbal decoctions to cleanse the colon and improve the function of the reproductive organs.

These therapies, when performed under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, can significantly alleviate the symptoms of PCOD and promote overall health.

Final thoughts

Understanding PCOD and its impact on your health is essential for every woman. While it may seem daunting, the condition can be effectively managed with the right combination of lifestyle changes, home remedies, and appropriate medical or Ayurvedic treatment. The key is to listen to your body, seek professional advice when needed, and adopt a holistic approach to your health. Remember, PCOD is not just about managing symptoms—it’s about taking control of your health and well-being.

Panchakarma therapies, the goal is to find a solution that works best for you. With the right care and support, you can lead a healthy, fulfilling life despite the challenges of PCOD.

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Ravindra Singh